
Wow…. it’s been a YEAR!

Wow…. it’s been a YEAR!

I get busy. Life happens. In a perfect world, I would do a blog entry every day. But I don’t live in that world. My life is very busy, and sometimes things must be set aside. However… there was a larger reason there have been no entries. I was hacked. My domain name was stolen ( and sold. I finally got some time recently to figure out how to recover the old files, and here they are.

I am not promising to make entries daily. I will try, however, now and then, to make entries to fill in the blanks that the videos do not or cannot handle. My main focus is on video.
From now until June 10th, I have a lot of changes happening. A few are major. I will be announcing them in upcoming videos. One change you might take away from the name of the new domain. I encourage you to read the entry “What is “Gran Colombia”?”.

I will see you in the next entry!

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