It has been a while!

It has been a while!

I have been so busy and lost my internet a while, I haven’t made any entries for a while. No possible way can I catch up at once so I’ll just start with what is top of mind! This will likely be more of a stream of consciousness thing.
I have taken a lot of pics recently so I will work them in. This very minute, my “team” of house cleaners arrived! They come every Wednesday at 11 am and spend a few hours scrubbing the place down. When they first arrived (on a recommendation of the building maintenance guy) they wanted $20… 2 people for two hours. I gave them a $10 tip, so that has been the going thing the past month and a half. Today is Dec 23, so I plan to give them a $20 each extra Feliz Navidad gift.
They are always happy, smiling and laughing so it is a highlight of my week.
I mentioned I lost the internet… well, the truth is, the internet has SUCKED since they installed it. It goes out all the time and half the time it is slow as snails. Paying $100 for business class fiber optic didn’t seem to be working out for me! I tried to let them know, sent them speed reports etc. But finally, it went down for good. I raised hell. Not the best thing to do here, but I was pretty upset. In this rare case, it actually got their attention. They sent two people out the next day. More in a minute on that.
So when the internet went out for good on a Friday morning, I foresaw a dismal weekend since everything I do seems to be related to the internet. So I decided to go check into the Hotel Cuenca downtown for the weekend. I had a great time! I did a lot of walking those two days. Here are some pics of that.


Those are from Saturday evening. There was a ton of various church services, with Christmas plays, singing, and a zillion young girls dress in white dresses and wings walking around.
The next day I got up, showered and went for another walk. I hung out in a park for a while, then went to lunch.
Sunday night I decided to eat in the hotel restaurant. It was dead since most everyone had been partying, shopping etc for the past few days and we’re all home with family. It was a great dinner. Beautiful place.

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