New Year’s In Cuenca 2016

New Year’s In Cuenca 2016
This was the view from my balcony, facing away from the city. The area you see is a minor suburb. This to notice?
Watch the bottom right corner. Observe those people. Around 25-sec mark they light a fire. It is custom here to have bodies in effigy. It could be a politician, a relative… whoever they want to burn out the old year with. Once the fire is it, they will jump over it. If they make it, it will be good luck in the coming year. If they don’t, well… perhaps some ointment and bandages?
Also, notice the fireworks are all over the place. While there is a major display downtown, virtually everyone has fireworks. Many sound like big explosions. The fireworks went on from around 8 PM until 1 AM. Car alarms everywhere from the force of concussion of some of them. There were probably 20,000 of those bonfires around the area.

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