

I never made my meeting on Friday at the Cathedral where they sell the candles. I sure wish I had.
I woke up early, looking forward to the day as I always do now. In the past, with all the stress and responsibility life brought, I would wake up sometimes looking forward to the day, but often dreading it. It was fairly common to wake up knowing about a series of issues from the day before that needed to be solved. Personnel that had to be calmed. Vendors appeased, and client problems resolved. But that was the “old” days. Before I had a few years to be sick and think about all of that, and before I decided to try to find peace and calm in my life that perhaps I never had. It is an internal struggle sometimes because I LOVE to work. Life finds purpose in work. I loved solving those problems, particularly solving business internal issues. I lived for finding better, more efficient ways. I worshiped at the feet of Edward Deming. He was my hero. These days I wake up every day relaxed, calm, and free of stress.
Until Friday. I woke early. I was optimistic and happy. I decided to go out on my large upstairs patio and try out my new drone. Nothing extravagant, but I had already waited a day, doing various firmware and software upgrades, and charging assorted batteries. Everything was charged, up to date and ready. I had HOURS before I had to leave so hey, why not? This thing was a serious investment for my you-tube work, so let’s check it out! So I drag everything up there. I try out a little Chinese tablet, but unless it is midnight with no moon, you can’t see the screen. So I proceeded to hook up my Samsung Note 5. I check a few things out, put on the props, and away we go. I have to admit is was really awesome. Feelings of Christmas day came rushing back. In particular one very special Christmas. You see, I grew up extremely poor. I mean no running water, no heat (cut that wood!) no indoor plumbing (brrrrr at 2am going to the outhouse in the dead of winter). I wore hand me down clothes that rarely fit, and always looked out of place with all the “rich” kids. I later learned they were hardly rich, but from my ragtag outfits, it seemed like it!
But along came this Christmas, I was maybe 9 years old. The first thing I noticed was a book. Well, it looked like a book. It was, in fact, a book-looking box filled with rolls of lifesavers! I almost never had any kind of candy, and here is this really cool book filled with an amazing assortment of flavors! If Christmas stopped there I would have been happy! But it didn’t stop there. There was this really large package. With MY name on it! I tore into that package, and inside I found… well, I had never even known they existed. It was a very large T-Rex. But it was not just a T-Rex. It was one that had a target on the tail, and you shot it with a dart gun! If you hit that tail, it turned and roared and lurched towards you! It fired ping pong balls at you!! It was AWESOME!
I could barely believe it since I had long forgotten that Christmas and all the feelings that came with it. But somehow, they came rushing back as I ran that drone up and down and around the area. It was just too cool!
Unfortunately, what life gives, it quickly snatches away. After about 10 minutes, I decided I better get going. “If you are on time, you are late”. So I disconnected my phone, set things on the chair, and proceeded to leave the patio. Or so I thought.
The door was locked.
Did I lock it? I never lock it! I remembered then the cleaning lady loved to lock doors. She is security crazy and felt if she left a door unlocked in my place, it would be unforgivable. Her heart was in the right place.  Although… you would have to parachute into that patio. It is pretty much inaccessible. Which is why I also could not escape! So after a series of texts, I made arraignments for a lady in town to come get me out. With my horrible Spanish and her zero English, we managed to get her through the gate to set me free. Unfortunately, I stood there in my underwear. She took it all in stride.. amidst her laughter. Not one of my proudest moments, but grateful to be free.
By the time she left, I looked at the clock and all my extra time was eaten up. In fact, if I had left right then (remember I hadn’t even showered yet) I would have been an hour late.
Luckily it turns out she was sick and couldn’t meet me anyway. We rescheduled for Monday at 1PM. Let’s hope I don’t imprison myself again.

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