Happy Easter

Happy Easter

I hope everyone had a pleasant Easter Sunday. It was a  nice day. I stayed home and edited some videos, made a big Thank You video, and lounged around. I was feeling a bit out of it. No chocolate bunny. No jelly beans, and no peeps to make fun of. Peeps. I kept thinking about them today. It started when I overheard something in the background today. Something that didn’t register at the time, but floated around in my head. I don’t even know where I heard it. Perhaps when I had the TV on in the background, or maybe when Alexa was keeping me company in the kitchen.
Hours later, it hit me. Someone had been talking about stuffing peeps in their mouth. They had set some record and today wanted to better it. I started to think about peeps. Various colors, but had to be yellow. Do I like peeps? No, not really. Bitter in the mouth at first and the grainy outside melts always to the slimy, slippery inside. They really are an odd concoction of chemicals and marshmallows. I found myself imagining that you could likely stuff a ton of peeps in your mouth. Then my thoughts turned to not wanting to eat them, so I had to try to get the nasty goo out of my mouth.
Quite the odd, random thought you say? Welcome to my odd, random mind.
So I don’t like Peeps. Yet I had an urge to eat one. Not two, or three, but one. Just to taste that bitterness and slippery marshmallow. Just so I could complain about how toxic and unhealthy they are. Just so I could renew my contempt for them and make fun of them yet another year.
But who would I complain to? Who would join in as I savaged the very existence of peeps?
“Peeps… it’s what’s for Easter” I look forward to mocking them next year.
Perhaps tomorrow I will look for a Ho-Ho.

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