Another Mundane Day!

Another Mundane Day!
I am really getting bored and restless. It has been months of record-breaking rainy weather.  That equates to months of time spent home. While I enjoy that, I certainly don’t enjoy it all the time. A day or two a week in Cuenca isn’t enough. I am starting to see nicer and nicer days as the rainy time fades away. I think I need to plan a little day or two trips very soon. I haven’t been to Vilcabamba in a while so maybe that’s overdue.
In the meantime, here is was my day yesterday. I woke around 7AM. Got up and checked youtube for news items. I made my coffee (mostly milk, 2 shots espresso, and one spoon of Nestles Quick). I sat and watched various overnight news Mostly Fox to see what is happening in the world. I cannot stand to watch CNN as it is non stop propaganda. I will sometimes watch CBSN, but with that, I have to sit and wait for various news items. Fox, I can select the handful of 5-8 minute slices of the topic.
I decided to have breakfast, so made some homefries, bacon, eggs, and toast. I turned up the TV so I could hear it as I cooked. It seems it was mostly political today. Those are good days because it means nothing really important or tragic happened to the world. I ate breakfast, and it was awesome. I have to say that bacon and eggs (sunny side up) with dipping toast has become one of my favorite meals.
I then decided to do some laundry so took the basket out to the laundry area. Delta attacked me, demanding I play tag.  I threw in the clothes and pretended to be grabbing her. She got really excited and ran circles around the house, they would come to a screeching halt in front of me daring me to grab her. I would fake her out which hand I would use to poke her. She loves that. She then ran for her “bone”. It is her squeaky toy that looks like a stick, including some bugs molded into it. I have bought a number of toys like it, one looked like a steak (she buried it) as well as a few others. They all managed to disappear. Only the “stick” has been able to stay around. She loves it. Sometimes she will just make it squeak for 15 minutes straight.
I then went in to check my emails and Facebook pages. I am noticing a rise in some strange behavior. There is a group of people that act like the “Ecuador Custom Police”. They feel the need to monitor threads and jump in to scold the posters as to their views and opinions. It seems if you say anything they determine is negative toward Ecuador, they blow a gasket and attack. Yesterday was a thread that had some lady asking if anyone knows where she can buy packaged gravy mix, as she loves it and misses it. To most people, it is a simple, understandable request, even if you don’t use it. Well, that opened the flood gates. Seems Facebook continues to get more contentious.
I fixed the railing on my stairs, played with the dog, played a bit on Guitar, then went back in the afternoon to check out various news stories. Back on the computer for a bit of work and research. Some reading, then watched a few TV shows on Kodi. This is a typical day when I stay home. Bored yet? 

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