Another Day in the Clouds


Another Day in the Clouds
Another cool, drizzly day. It was suggested that I get out and go see some places. While I appreciate that, my recent posts are simply to demonstrate that no matter where you live, you have days that are mundane, that require chores like laundry, dishes, etc. Also, while I have been seeing some beautiful sunny times during the day on more and more days, it still is quite unpredictable and rains at some point almost every day. It is becoming more isolated to the afternoons. But this window of nice weather is only a few hours on most days, and difficult to plan any exploring.
But then there is me. When it is nice out for a few days, I am out of here. When it is drab and dreary, I have no desire to get out. I am in full on hermit mode. That isn’t to say I’m not staying busy. Here is the break down of a typical day when I stay home. (approximations of course)
1.5-hour cooking/eating
3 hours of research (Local politics, governments, news topics, etc)
2 hours work (some income via internet)
1/2 hour Guitar/music
2 hours walking into town and around
5 hours youtube/TV/Movies
2 hours of chores
2 hours making/planning/editing/learning Videos
1/2 hour blog
1-hour facebook interaction
3-5 hours sleep
I actually find the days too short as there is always more to do or learn.
I was asked why we aren’t seeing drone video footage yet. Same reason. You really should never take a drone out in the rain or high winds. Until the weather gets nice enough to trust in that, I cannot take the chance. I tried a few weeks ago when I spent the night in Cuenca. The goal was to get a series of drone shots I had planned. It was supposed to be nice. Downpour! I spent $120 total on the trip and came away with almost nothing. This rain is unusual and will eventually stop and we will see the consistently beautiful weather. Until then, I will just go about my days as I am. But I am getting a bit of cabin fever! I even wish on some days I would have some company! Yep, that’s how bad it can be. I will end this blog now so I can go outside and chant “Rain rain go away…” as I dance naked in the clouds.

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